Book now for Woodhouse Academy after school clubs


Need to Know

Need to Know

Terms & Conditions

All bookings and payments are completed in advance via our website. Bookings are non-refundable / transferrable once completed. Refunds with 60 days’ notice will be reviewed. Any request for refunds with fewer than 60 days’ notice cannot be accepted.

Sporty Stars Ltd obtain the right to refuse bookings based on the best interest and safety of all children and staff. Sporty Stars Ltd hold the right to remove any child from their activities in the event of detrimental or unacceptable behaviour. In this instance, parents will be notified and no refund will be offered.

In the event of a child not being collected on time (later than 15 minutes), Sporty Stars Ltd may issue a £30 surcharge as we become liable by the venue for remaining on site longer than our designated time.

In the event of needing to make a complaint, please forward this to [email protected]. We will deal with and respond to your complaint within 14 days.

Use of Photography: We occasionally take photographs / videos of our activities for use on our website and social media accounts. These are purely for promoting our activities and celebrating enjoyment. If you DO NOT wish for your child to be included in these, please make us aware via your booking.

In the event of a child requiring first aid, Sporty Stars always have qualified first aiders to hand and will provide this support to children. In the event of requiring further attention, Sporty Stars Ltd staff will contact emergency services and parents if required to do so.

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

Mr Richard Parlsow and Rob Kennedy are our Designated Safeguarding Leads.

Richard and Rob have over 20 years’ experience of working as DSL.

Sporty Stars Ltd acknowledges the duty of care to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people and we are committed to ensuring safeguarding practice reflects statutory responsibilities, government guidance and complies with best practice.

We recognise that the welfare and interests of children are paramount in all circumstances. We aim to ensure that regardless of age, gender, religion or beliefs, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation or socio-economic background, all children:

Have a positive and enjoyable experience at Sporty Stars in a safe and child centred environment

Are protected from abuse whilst participating in sports or outside of the activity.

As part of our safeguarding policy Sporty Stars will:

Promote and prioritise the safety and wellbeing of children and young people

Ensure everyone understands their roles and responsibilities in respect of safeguarding and are provided with appropriate education/training to recognise, identify and respond to signs of abuse and other safeguarding concerns relating to children and young people

Ensure that all staff and volunteers are aware of their responsibility to report concerns to the DSL

Ensure that all suspicions and allegations of abuse and poor practice are taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately

Ensure appropriate action is taken in the event of incidents/concerns of abuse and support provided to the individual/s who raise or disclose the concern

Ensure that confidential, detailed and accurate records of all safeguarding concerns are maintained and securely stored

Prevent the employment/deployment of unsuitable individuals

Ensure robust safeguarding arrangements and procedures are in operation

Sporty Stars will work in close partnership with children, young people and parent/guardians to review and implement child protection and safeguarding procedures.

This policy will be available to and adhered by all members, parents/guardians, staff, volunteers and participants who all have a responsibility to work together with the organisation in implementing procedures.

Safeguarding concerns are dealt with by our DSL but all of our staff are aware of their responsibility for safeguarding. If you have a concern or need to discuss a safeguarding matter, please contact us using [email protected]

The policy and procedures will be widely promoted and are mandatory for everyone involved in Sporty Stars Ltd. Failure to comply with the policy and procedures will be addressed without delay and may ultimately result in dismissal/exclusion from the organisation.


The policy will be reviewed every three years, or in the following circumstances:

Changes in legislation and/or government guidance

As required by the Local Safeguarding Children Board, UK Sport and/or Home Country Sports Councils

As a result of any other significant change or event.

GDPR/Personal Information

Data will only be stored until it is no longer relevant.


Sporty Stars Ltd needs to collect and use certain types of information about the Individuals or Service Users who come into contact with Sporty Stars Ltd in order to carry on our work. This personal information must be collected and dealt with appropriately whether it is collected on paper, stored in a computer database, or recorded on other material and there are safeguards to ensure this under the Data Protection Act 1998.

2. Data Controller

Sporty Stars Ltd is the Data Controller under the Act, which means that it determines what purposes personal information held, will be used for. It is also responsible for notifying the Information Commissioner of the data it holds or is likely to hold, and the general purposes that this data will be used for.

3. Disclosure

Sporty Stars Ltd may share data with other agencies such as the local authority, funding bodies and other voluntary agencies.

The Individual/Service User will be made aware in most circumstances how and with whom their information will be shared. There are circumstances where the law allows Sporty Stars Ltd to disclose data (including sensitive data) without the data subject’s consent.

These are:

Carrying out a legal duty or as authorised by the Secretary of State

Protecting vital interests of an Individual/Service User or other person

The Individual/Service User has already made the information public

Conducting any legal proceedings, obtaining legal advice or defending any legal rights

Monitoring for equal opportunities purposes – i.e. race, disability or religion

Providing a confidential service where the Individual/Service User’s consent cannot be obtained or where it is reasonable to proceed without consent: e.g. where we would wish to avoid forcing stressed or ill Individuals/Service Users to provide consent signatures.

Sporty Stars Ltd regards the lawful and correct treatment of personal information as very important to successful working, and to maintaining the confidence of those with whom we deal.

Sporty Stars Ltd intends to ensure that personal information is treated lawfully and correctly.

To this end, Sporty Stars Ltd will adhere to the Principles of Data Protection, as detailed in the Data Protection Act 1998.

Specifically, the Principles require that personal information:

Shall be processed fairly and lawfully and, in particular, shall not be processed unless specific conditions are met,

Shall be obtained only for one or more of the purposes specified in the Act, and shall not be processed in any manner incompatible with that purpose or those purposes,

Shall be adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to those purpose(s)

Shall be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date,

Shall not be kept for longer than is necessary

Shall be processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects under the Act,

Shall be kept secure by the Data Controller who takes appropriate technical and other measures to prevent unauthorised or unlawful processing or accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal information,

Shall not be transferred to a country or territory outside the European Economic Area unless that country or territory ensures an adequate level of protection for the rights and freedoms of Individuals/Service Users in relation to the processing of personal information.

Sporty Stars Ltd will, through appropriate management and strict application of criteria and controls:

Observe fully conditions regarding the fair collection and use of information

Meet its legal obligations to specify the purposes for which information is used

Collect and process appropriate information, and only to the extent that it is needed to fulfil its operational needs or to comply with any legal requirements

Ensure the quality of information used

Ensure that the rights of people about whom information is held, can be fully exercised under the Act. These include:

The right to be informed that processing is being undertaken,

The right of access to one’s personal information

The right to prevent processing in certain circumstances and

The right to correct, rectify, block or erase information which is regarded as wrong information)

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